Saturday, September 19, 2009

And so here it is, the link to an article I submitted for publication, and sure enough, it was accepted:
No only accepted, they want more like this one on an ongoing basis. So this one (on "efficiency") came to me when I saw the topic because I think people often mis-assess problems and consequently come up with a solution that does them no good. That certainly applies to "getting organized". So writing on that topic was pretty easy. Now I'm told, "send us anything on business". Nothing. No ideas. Kinda like they teach us in referral marketing: ask for "anybody" or "somebody" and no one comes to mind. Name a specific person and I can tell you right away if I know that person and now we're getting somewhere. So I'm going to ask for help (Leaders Ask For Help!!) and post on my social networking sites a request for topic ideas. Hmmm. Let's see how that goes.


  1. It is not so much efficiency as it is efficacy. Used to be working smarter not working harder. Now multitasking is out and true efficacy is in. What do you think?

  2. Great point! Oh, don't get me started about multitasking; NOT something we should brag about being good at at all from what I can tell. When we multitask we are not devoting full brain power or awareness to what we are doing and as a consequence we aren't processing deeply, nor are we likely to be doing our best work.
